Wednesday, October 26, 2011

News: Generation Orbit Vies for Small Satellite Air Launch

Generation Orbit Vies for Small Satellite Air Launch
Generation Orbit, 26 October 2011

Generation Orbit Launch Services, Inc. (or GO) presents a fast, flexible, and dedicated nanosatellite (1-30 kg) orbital payload delivery service called GO Launcher, utilizing existing high speed jet aircraft and mostly existing rockets.

GO1 = 1 to 10 kg to Low Earth Orbit
GO1 would be an initial demonstrator utilizing mostly existing solid rockets, essentially a minimum viable launch system. GO1 could mature into an operational capability in the 1-10 kg class (LEO payload delivery capability, 250 km circular orbit). The GO1 system may include international participation.

GO2 = 20 to 30 kg to Low Earth Orbit
GO2 would be a larger operational system than GO1 that offers a minimum payload delivery service in the 20-30 kg class (LEO payload delivery capability, 450 km circular orbit) with the potential for future growth. GO2 would use the experience gained from GO1 to reduce overall risk and prove the "Your Orbit, On Time" operations model. GO2 would also include options for inclusion of new technologies.

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