Friday, January 10, 2014

PocketQube Shop Open for Nanosat Business

PocketQube Shop Open for Nanosat Business
PocketQube Shop, 10 January 2014

A startup based in Glasgow, Scotland, PocketQube shop wants to get more people building and launching their own satellites. We want to provide a hub for the fledgling class of PocketQube satellites by offering a one stop shop with the largest selection of parts available anywhere. PocketQubes are 5cm cubed spacecraft, proposed by Prof Bob Twiggs of Morehead State University (formerly Stanford). The first 4 PocketQubes made orbit on the 21st of November 2013.

PocketQube Standard, 10 January 2014

The 1U CubeSat was originally conceived as a cube, 100mm on each side with a mass of 1000g.

The 1Q PocketQub is one eighth of a CubeSat - a cube 50mm / 2 inches on each side with a mass of 125g.

Within the limitations of the format, it is recommended that PocketQubs are designed to meet as many of the CubeSat Design Specifications as is practical.

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